Cum-Ex deals – the biggest tax scandal in the history of Germany – refer to very complex financial transactions that involved exploiting a legal loophole in order to enable several organizations to claim the same capital gains tax refund. It is estimated that this has resulted in a loss of several billion euros for the German state. Judiciary is now suppossed to determine whether these deals have been illegal.
This podcast deals with the questions what challenges the state now faces and what the implications of this scandal for the political system in Germany are.
PODCAST Cum-Ex Deals
Click on the Links below for more detailed information on the technical aspects of the Cum-Ex deals

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• Thiess Buettner, Carolin Holzmann , Felix Kreidl , & Hendrik Scholz. (2017). Stock Market Behavior on Ex Dividend Dates: The Case of Cum Ex Transactions in Germany. Proceedings (Conference on Taxation), 110 , 1-31
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